Act II
Why is Diet Coke a woman thing?
Check out this article on Diet Coke advertising through the ages and this article on gendered marketing in general. This article is about why Coke Zero was created (it was for men).
Also, diet sodas are said to be bad for you because of the artificial sweeteners (like aspartame and sucralose). But, (according to WebMD), only links between bad health outcomes and diet soda have been found, not cause-and-effect.
Repertoire of our troupe
Cape Feare (based on Cape Feare, S5E2)
Heretic Homer (based on Homer the Heretic, S4E3)
Springfield Files (based on The Springfield Files, S8E10) - only episode of repertoire with Mr. Burns
Theatre Troupes
Richard's Couch (27 shows; bought out Thursday Nights, which had 4 shows)
Primetime Players
The Reruns (has a better circuit)
Thursday Nights (now defunct) (refers to NBC's campaign of Must See TV Thursdays in the 1990s)
The West Wing
**I can't seem to find any connections between the names of the troupes and The Simpsons. The only connection I can make is with Richard's Couch - I'm assuming Richard is the owner of the troupe and references the couch gag.